Lavalife Summer Lovin

June 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Past Events, Uncategorized

Summer is here and we’re lovin’ it. Thousands of singles will descend on the city of Toronto for a weekend festival that is sure to be as hot as the weather outside. Summer Lovin’ takes place from July 15-17 and is presented by Canada’s leading online dating service Lavalife. The festival is three days of fun that includes interactive cooking classes and an iron-chef-like cocktail mixing competition. Lavalife aims to connect, engage and entertain single Canadians through a variety of web, voice and mobile dating services. Summer Lovin’ offers the same type of personal interaction over three jam-packed days of cocktails, delicious food, great parties and fantastic entertainment.

Events are taking place at C Lounge, Polson Pier, Böehmer restaurant, BarChef restaurant, Art Gallery of Ontario FRANK restaurant and the Mod Club. Celebrity guests include: Aliya-Jasmine Sovani of MTV, former Canadian Idol judge Zack Werner, radio host Adam Wilde, “world’s sexiest comedian” Nicole Arbour and international recording artist Jason Derulo.

Advantages include 2-3 complimentary cocktails at each event, free hors d’ouvres, a swag bag and the chance to mix and mingle at Toronto’s best restaurants and bars. Don’t miss it! Date: July 15-17, 2010 Time: see online schedule Location: C Lounge, Polson Pier, Böehmer Restaurant, BarChef Restaurant, Art Gallery of Ontario, FRANK Restaurant, Mod Club For tickets please visit: Full details: Facebook: Twitter:

31 Days and 31 Ways to celebrate lobster

June 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Past Events, Uncategorized

For the entire month of July, Toronto’s waterfront and the luxurious Empress of Canada (hyperlink with will host lobster tasting events for your tastebuds to enjoy.

July 1 – Lobster dinner and fireworks cruise
July 16 –
Tobasco VIP Lobster Tasting cruise with Cobra Kings (hyperlink Cobra Kings with
July 18 –
Van Houtte Coffee and Lobster crepe brunch

Visit for more info about these great events



To kick-start those tastebuds, here are 31 ways you can enjoy lobster during the month of July:

  1. Boiled Lobster: add sea salt and seaweed to get the perfect ocean taste
  2. Steamed Lobster: all you need is a little bit of water and a steaming basket for the perfect tender meat
  3. Microwave Lobster? Yes! Use a plastic bag with dry white wine and lemon wedges
  4. Grilled Lobster: Steam for one minute, cut in half and brush with lemon or garlic butter. Grill.
  5. Lobster Tail: Use your hand to crack the tail and get the delicious meat
  6. Lobster Legs:Two things only – pinch and suck.

  7. Lobster Bites: a delicious meaty little tart
  8. Lobster Roll: Think lobster hot dog but way better
  9. Lobster Chowder: A classic maritime dish
  10. Lobster Soup: simmering stock with the shells in makes it tasty.
  11. Lobster Stew: a favourite to many, including Mr. JFK
  12. Lobster Salad: a refreshing summer lunch idea
  13. Lobster Thermidor: broiled with butter, onion and cheese – this French dish is delicieuse!
  14. Lobster Lasagna: a perfect update on the classic, also perfect for a rainy July day
  15. Lobster Vindaloo: a tangy and delicious lobster-based sauce served over rice
  16. Lobster Pie: great for any lobster-lover
  17. Orange Lobster in Champagne: lobster steamed in Champagne, how fancy!
  18. Lobster Crepe: this tasty brunch dish is featured on July 18th!

  19. Lobster Tacos: a taste of California is ideal on a hot summer evening
  20. Stuffed: buttery, cheesy and flambéed with brandy
  21. Boat Lobster: get back to the basics and enjoy a lobster meal on a boat (like the Empress, perhaps?!)
  22. Lobster Curry: a nice twist that is not too hot and spicy
  23. Vacation Lobster: you’ll be a lobster expert by the end of July, why not visit New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or PEI to compare your knowledge?!
  24. Bargain Lobster: never has there been a better time to purchase lobster. Quality for as little as $3.00 a pound? Yes Please! Visit
  25. Sauce Lobster: garlic, lemon, butter, hot sauce? Lobster is a great palate for your favourite sauces
  26. Beach Lobster: ideal addition to your vacation lobster – all you need is a camp fire, a pot and of course, lobster
  27. Healthy Lobster: lobster is a fresh, healthy way to get protein. Only 45 – 100 calories for more than a pound
  28. Sweet Lobster: fresh lobster is the sweetest, eat it right away
  29. Lobster Sushi: top avocado rolls with cooked lobster
  30. Lobster Salsa: your choice for ingredients – serve in a cocktail glass for added appeal
  31. Party Lobster: Take all of these ways to enjoy lobster and use them at your next party! Or, visit to attend their party

Thanks to

FastLane Patio Event

June 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Past Events

Once again the Patio Season has arrived. That means it’s time to take the networking outside with the FastLane Patio event.

FastLane is a themed networking event that offers young professionals to take advantage of great food, conversations, and the opportunities to connect with other young professionals in various industries.FastLane, Networking, CityEvents, Toronto

This FastLane edition will be held in Ultra upper Club, one of Toronto’s premier supper clubs. With new renovations,  Ultra Supper Club Toronto continues its celebrated for reputation of dining, cocktails, socializing, and stargazing.

FastLane, Networking, CityEvents, Toronto

This unique networking event will allow you to both expand your business network while relaxing and enjoying an evening cocktail the warm weather.

Join us on July 13, 2010 at Ultra Supper Club and enjoy the great weather and  cocktails while networking and meeting other young professionals.

We are also offering the chance to win 2 FastLane tickets. Vote for the hottest downtown patio. Just fill out this survey and let us know where we could host our August FastLane event.

As a result of filling out the survey, we are giving you the chance to win 2 tickets to our upcoming FastLane Event on Tuesday, July 13 at Ultra patio club.

Event details

Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010
: 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
: Ultra Supper Club, 314 Queen Street West
: On-line Advance $25 each or $35 at the Door

For tickets please visit:

*Your ticket includes complimentary wine & chocolate sampling, hors d’oeuvres, a gift bag and the chance to win door prizes.

Facebook Group:

For more information visit the website

Follow the link below to join the FastLane Facebook Group:

Here are some photos of the event:

Three Wacky Lenzr Photo Contests END July 1st

June 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Ontario, Toronto

june lenzr photo contests for web development Toronto, over 50 baby boomers and portable toilet rentalsThere are three equally fascinating and wonderfully diverse photo contests on Lenzr this month. The prizes are every bit as imaginative as the themes, and voting on images is entertainment. Take a look at the serial photo contest website for amusement, if nothing else.  Lenzr is the place where the membership decides who wins the prize. Go here to marvel at the creative submissions that have already been added to the index, and the generosity of the prizes… Ask yourself, which photo will win? Which photo do I want to win?

The 50 Going On 15 photo contest is downright absurd, and so is the prize.

over 50, women, Baby Boomers, music, chocolate in TorontoThe 50 Going On 15 photo contest on Lenzr will reward the member that uploaded the highest rated photo with over 50 lbs of dark chocolate as a prize!

This challenge is sponsored by an emerging baby boomer magazine for people over 50 in Toronto. The content is written by and for fifty year old people living in this great city.

Winning this contest might be more of a curse than a blessing esp if you are a woman over 50 and trying to lose weight.  You can read more about this over 50 magazine sponsor and prize on the Lenzr blog.

Crowded Places might just give people a new reason to appreciate traffic jams.

lenzr photo contest producer web development TorontoA highly respectable Toronto web developer is generously offering a Blackberry curve phone as prize in the crowded places photo contest on Lenzr.

The contest asks crowd photographers and budding anthropologists to submit shots of large gatherings of people, and use the caption to tell stories.  A Lenzr photo contest can be decided by the quality of the story hook in the caption, as often as the quality of the photography itself, which tends to be wonderfully amateur, raw and inspired.

Win a Las vegasvacation in a contest sponsored by a portable toilet rentals company in Toronto OntarioThe Portable Luxury contest is also kinda weird. The theme asks for images of the handiest conveniences you can take with you on the run. The Portable Luxury photo contest on Lenzr is looking for exceptional storyfull pictures that highlight things you could stuff in a knapsack that would make you feel more at home wherever you end up in the world – basically how do you move your comfort zone?

The theme is certain to glimpse hand-held conveniences and inventions that nicely define the differences between humans from animals. Beautiful expensive jewellery will no doubt be popular, but also advanced tech gadgets. And a thermos full of expensive coffee, anyone?

Las Vegas vacation, Lenzr, portable toilet rentalsThe prize is a Las Vegas vacation for two people courtesy of the contest sponsor, a portable toilet rentals company that’s arranged to provide airfare and hotel accommodation for two people for three days and two nights in Las Vegas.

Lenzr admin hopes the winner will be generous with photos and stories of the adventure in Las Vegas, for the Lenzr blog.

Must be over 18 to enter and win this contest, and you must be Canadian and unfortunately Lenzr photo contests are still not translated into French language and therefore still not available in Quebec.

What happened last month? There is a full chronology of who won what contests on Lenzr? last month written up in the Lenzr blog on site.

Lenzr photo contest for Toronto party rentals business, 185 Eastern AveBackyard Party Events was a rather queer web challenge because the actual photo contest sponsor won, and yes… that’s allowed. Or at least there is no rule against it. But don’t go thinking it was deliberate or that it was a mistake because it wasn’t… It wasn’t a mistake because his photo was really terrific.

John Kenyon the marketing director at Absolute Tent and Event Services actually won his own company’s Lenzr photo contest. But of course he yielded to second place, because the last thing he needs is another $500 gift certificate or a 10×10 pop up tent. And he admits, that he yielded because of the strength of the second place submission, which was his personal favourite picture uploaded to the entire online event.

But Instead of hogging the company’s generous prize for himself, John gave it to a member named ‘Sausma’, (2nd place photographer) for a picture she submitted called ‘He Really Nailed That Pig’.

Here’s Sandra Ausma the 2nd place contestant standing beside John Kenyon in front of the loading dock at Absolute Tent and Event Services at 185 Eastern avenue in Toronto.

Sandra Ausma, he really nailed that pig, prize winning pictureSandra’s photo was excellent; she totally deserves the 10×10 pop-up tent, and the $500 gift certificate to be spent on anything and everything this unique Toronto party rentals warehouse stocks.

Thanks everyone who participated in this Lenzr photo contest.

2010 IABC World Conference Attracts Best in PR

June 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Past Events, Uncategorized

IABC World Conference here in Toronto

IABC World Conference here in Toronto

For those involved in PR, marketing and advertising, the IABC World Conference could very well be considered their Mecca. Like the G20 Summit, which will be held at around the same time, the IABC World Conference attracts the best and brightest minds in their respective field to analyze, discuss and find ways of working in more efficient manners. This year, Toronto is lucky to host this event, which has already garnered attention from industry insiders around the globe. The conference will be taking place at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto from June 6th to 9th, and will surely not disappoint.

PR Agency Strategic Objective

The Sheraton Centre Hotel

This Tuesday, June 8th, from 8:15 to 9:15, Judy Lewis, co-founder of an innovative Canadian PR agency will be moderating the panel discussion with herself and three other veterans of the business to discuss the power that PR holds to advance brand momentum.

The Sheraton is located right in the heart of Toronto next to City Hall and Nathan Philips Square. This is a big honor for the city, with its second major conference in the month of June. The IABC expects a big turn out as the World Conference is considered one of the most important gatherings for major players in business communications and media.

Notable attendees at the “Academy Awards of PR” include: Craig and Marc Keilburger, Guy Kawasaki, James Hoggan, Judy Lewis and Deb Weinstein among other stars of the PR world.

This will be an event you cannot miss as the relevance of social media and technology in the marketing world continues to grow. This has been a year of many changes and the panels will surely have an important take on all the headlines of the past year. With so many big names going around, the PR world is buzzing over Toronto. Be sure to take notes, as you will be taking in a whole lot of worthwhile information. This is a must-attend event for any and all in the media and business world. I shall see you there!