Search and Social Rank Symposium

December 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Past Events, Toronto

Search and Social Rank Symposium -It was a night of ideas!

It was an evening of presentations and discussions on the latest trends in search and social media. This exclusive event showcased weird science, at the intersection of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

The topics of discussion were:

  •     Business storytelling
  •     The significance of PageRank
  •     Personal branding
  •     Local search
  •     Top 10 critical things to know

Speakers included:
Geoff Whitlock, Click Clip Deals
Craig Backman, McLellan Group Integrated Communications
Joey DeVilla,
Alex Blom, CEO & Co-Founder of SalesChoice
Benjamin Allison, Jib Strategic Inc.

Archeo was the perfect venue for our presentations and discussions. Only a bus ride away from down-town Toronto, It provided a chic and warm ambiance, with food to satisfy everyone’s taste-buds!
But if you missed out the first time, do not worry. Search and Social Rank Symposium was such a success, there will be another one! When and where you ask? Stay tuned on, or follow CityEvents on Twitter, and find out where the next Search and Social Rank Symposium will be!

To see pictures of the event, discussions, venue and speakers go to
For more information on the event, visit our hosts at, or

Presented by: CityEvents
Hosts: Lenzr & Jib
For more information visit:

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One Response to “Search and Social Rank Symposium”
  1. This should be interesting if you put it on video with more details

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