Outside may have been freezing rain but things were heating up for the 7th Noche Caliente Liberty Village Social Hour at Williams Landing!

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Past Events

On Thursday Jan 26th Liberty Villagers bundled up and headed out to network, socialize and most importantly have fun! Planned by Rod Ponce of RPC and Deb Lewis of CityEvents, Liberty Villagers were treated to a night of relaxation, amazing door prizes, and a signature Liberty Village cocktail.
For one evening the January gloom melted away into the chic urban glamour of the neighborhoods’ hottest new restaurant. If you missed out on the action, the next Liberty Social Hour is in the works for April 2012 we look forward to entertaining you at one of our upcoming events.

The 100 plus guests ranged from young professionals enjoying a post work signature Liberty Village cocktail, to marketing CEOs networking the room, to a retired couple out for an evening of fun. The attendants may have been varied but everyone had one thing in common: Liberty Village! Despite being the fastest growing district in Toronto Noche Caliente Liberty Social Hour perfectly captured the close-knit neighborhood spirit of the Village community.

Chatting with a six-time veteran of Liberty Social Hour, Amelia Paddington, she filled us in on how she became a fixture at the Liberty Social hour. “My husband and I walked into the first one without a clue to what was going on and not knowing a soul, but by the end of the night we had met so many people, some of whom even lived in our building and we had never spoken to! It’s gotten so much bigger since that first social hour, but its community events like these that make me love where I live”.

Over 20 local businesses generously donated samples, gift cards, and coupons to promote the village and appreciate its residents. Everyone left with a gift bag and a smile on their face. January may be the longest month of winter, but in Liberty Village they kicked the year off with a bang! Can’t wait for the next one!

Don’t get left behind, find out when the next Liberty Social Hour is on www.torontocityevents.cawww.inlibertyvillage.com, or follow CityEvents on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with upcoming events!

To see pictures of you and your friends from the event visit www.flikr.com/cityeventstoronto

For more information on this event visit, www.torontocityevents.ca, Facebook/LibertySocialHour-NocheCaliente, www.williamslanding.ca or www.inlibertyvillage.com, and supported by www.mercadonews.com, andwww.bhive.ca.

A few companies helped make this event possible were, Mercado, Vocado, Lust for Lashes, Portrait Dental, Deanceology, BrazenHead, Temple Kitchen, Bar Vespa, King West Fitness, Body Food, Magic Oven, Sell off Vacations, Vibrant Lifestyle, The Floor Studio Inc., Dinning Date Night, and Liberty Village Eye Care.


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