Canadian Helen Keller Centre Awards

February 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Past Events

Tenth Annual Awards Luncheon

In conjunction with the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons, CHKC held the Annual CHKC Awards Dinner on April 15th at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel to honour individuals who have made outstanding achievements and contributions to the disability of deaf-blindness, and to raise much needed funds to operate the centre.

Guest Speaker: The Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister of Community and Social Services

George Brown College will accept the 2014 Canadian Helen Keller Centre Award for their exceptional community service and training.

Distinguished guests of the luncheon include: Lieutenant Governor David, C. Onley, Ruth Ann Onley,Cindy Accardi Executive Director Rotary Cheshire Homes & Canadian Helen Keller Centre, John Rafferty CEO, CNIB, President & CEO of ICIC Bank of Canada, Sriram Lyer, Honourable Vim Kochhar and Vice-Chairman & COO of Scotiabank Sabi Marwah.

Check out photos from last year:

For more information :


Education Remixed

March 28, 2013 by  
Filed under Non-Profit Events, Past Events, Toronto

Interested in what the latest Toronto’s arts and music scenes have to offer? Education Remixed is an evening showcasing the talented artists and students of Toronto’s The Remix Project, a charity dedicated to educating and inspiring Toronto’s marginalized youth. You’ll have the opportunity to soak in creative music, film and art experiences, snack on delicious Pizza Pizza and Steam Whistle Brewing options and arrive in style with UBER cab.

On April 5, 2013 at 8pm, Humber College Event Management Students will host Education Remixed, benefiting The Remix Project and the Humber College Scholarship Fund.

Students helping students is the philosophy behind the Humber College student run company, TwoTen Events who have been sharpening their event management skills all year long to host the inaugural Education Remixed (#EDxTO), benefiting the Remix Project and the Humber College Scholarship Fund.

Headlining the event is DJ Romeo bringing R&B mixes to the Berkeley Church Stage. The work of The Remix Project graduates, photography and paintings, will be displayed in the mezzanine.

Special guests such as Andrew Jones, Grey Cup winning offensive line for the Toronto Argonauts are lending their support on April 5th, 2013.

There are a limited number of Education Remixed tickets available through the event sponsor Atendy ($20.00)

WHEN: Friday April 5th, 2013 8pm – 1am
WHERE: Berkeley Church located at 315 Queen St. East.

Don’t miss this opportunity to support your local community and fantastic new music.


