How to Market Your Event and Create Buzz with Facebook

February 23, 2017 by  
Filed under Ask Deb, CitySocial, Event tips, Ontario, Toronto, Uncategorized

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If you have been following our series of how to market and create the buzz on social media, here is our new video!

Social media sectors such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and your surrounding neighbourhood are great ways to network and spread the word about your past, current, and future projects.  Today we are focusing on Facebook: one of the most popular social media tools.

Facebook is a powerful and cost-effective social media tool. Creating and promoting an event on Facebook is free and requires a series of easy-to-follow steps.  You can also enhance your facebook marketing with a custom facebook ad campaign.

Top Tips On Facebook:  


  • Create an event on Facebook: Ensure to have any staff, ambassadors with permissions as a host. Once someone has accepted the invitation you are able to change their status to host so they can edit the event and update and post easily. Once you have created the event start to invite friends, ask others to invite others to increase the reach.  You will need to keep the event as a public event so that guests can invite others and people can find your event through facebook search.
  • Facebook Campaigns: Many events have grown tracking or increased its exposure and attendees through facebook campaigns and Facebook Ads.  These can be useful as you can be very specific of the geographic area, age, status and other elements so you are only paying for advertising to your target market.
  • Photos: Always a great way to provide a visual to your event.  This is a wonderful way to promote your events to your target market and audience and show people enjoying past events. It also gives them a better understanding of what the event looks and feels like. Change your profile and cover photo with the main banner of your event.
  • Videos: You can also create promotional videos or video photo slide shows about your event to post.  This can be done using a slide show of photos related to your event, any related footage you have access to, link to music and add text with your main event details.
  • Tags: A tag is a hyperlink making it easier for your followers or guests to click and visit the  page or person that you’ve tagged. Your post is usually displayed onto the Wall or Timeline of the Page or friend that you’ve tagged. By tagging speakers or guests, you will make your event more visible and have a chance to reach future attendees.


Watch our video below for more complete information and tips on how to market your event and create the buzz on social media.

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to like this video, share it and subscribe to CityEvents to gain valuable knowledge about planning your future events.

If you liked this video you may also like our video on How to market your event on Hootsuite and YouTube.

CityEvents: Like the Facebook Page Contest

September 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Contest, Ontario, Toronto

It’s an exciting month! The ‘Like the Facebook Page Contest’ has kicked off. CityEvent is becoming more and more well known around the city.

To reward our fans we have a few surprising gifts for you guys! You can get the chance to win one of two gift baskets worth 200 dollars! Or a 100 dollars gift certificate!

All you have to do is login to Facebook, search for CityEvents and like our page!

The contest runs until September 30th.

What are you waiting for? Did you already like our Facebook Page?