Managing for Growth Series: How to Transform Profitability Through Improved Pricing

January 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Past Events, Toronto, Uncategorized

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Paul Hunt

Hogg, Shain & Scheck will welcome Pricing Solutions President, Paul Hunt to their Managing for Growth series on Wednesday, March 8th, 2017. With expert knowledge in strategic pricing, Paul Hunt has had the chance to be an adviser to a wide range of companies and industries.  

Effective pricing plays an enormous factor in how much profit a company makes throughout the year and yet many businesses aren’t paying enough attention to how their pricing habits may be affecting their profits.

By attending this seminar, it’s guaranteed that all attendees will leave with helpful knowledge on how to transform profitability through improved pricing. So be sure to join HSS and Paul Hunt as they explain the importance of pricing, the most common pricing mistakes and how to avoid them as well as how to get your sales-force on your side and selling value, not price.

For more information on the upcoming event, visit the event page: Managing for Growth: How to Transform Profitability Through Improved Pricing

MANAGING FOR GROWTH SERIES – The Productivity Paradox: Understanding the importance of Process.

April 22, 2015 by  
Filed under Past Events, Toronto

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Do you think that you can double your productivity without any capital investment. Phil Kirby can help you to think about the process in your business, to be flexible, and to reduce your costs. Because the solution to this paradox is hiding in plain sight – if you know where to look.

Being fast can increase cost and decrease quality. Being flexible – providing variety and customization – can slow things down and escalate price. And being low cost requires standardization without variation. Being all three—fast, flexible and low cost—seems contradictory, if not impossible— except to a process mind.

With Phil Kirby learn some ways you can transform your business, and achieve new goals.

He says, “Your problems are hiding in plain sight; in the processes of your business, whether you are making widgets, distributing gizmos or servicing needs. You can outperform your competition by changing the way you think about process, by developing a process mind.”

In a captivating, candid, conversational style, Phil takes the audience from the boardroom to the frontlines, moving easily from thought-leading management theory to roll-up-your-sleeves, in-the-trenches practices.


Guest Speaker: Phil Kirby, President, Organization Thoughtware International Inc.

Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time: 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Venue: Delta Toronto East,  2035 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, ON M1T 3G2

Google Maps Link:,-79.283427,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x6c9a3942bb7699cd


Fees: $25 which includes continental breakfast (net proceeds go to the Ted Rogers School of Management

Seating is limited, please RSVP online at


Who Should Attend:

  • Small to medium business owners, entrepreneurs
  • CEO’s, CFO’s


Key Learnings

  • Current economic forecast
  • Industry trends
  • Business cycle forecasts
  • Easy-to-understand, strategic action items


Series Sponsors:

Hogg, Shain & Scheck, PROFIT Magazine, Ted Rogers School of Management


July 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Past Events

Canada is financially doing well but not all the economic news is good. We will be taking a look at what it all means to your business.

In the US, the sagging housing market is a short-term issue and the mounting government debt is a long-term problem, but there is plenty of room in between to make money. China is a growing wild card and Europe is showing signs of sustaining recovery despite the Ukraine issues. We are going to talk about these issues and more at the Seminar.

Guest Speaker: Brian Beaulieu, CEO, ITR Economics
Brian’s presentations cover a wide variety of topics including short- and long-term global economic forecasts, regional economic updates, an outlook on inflation, and the relationship of political events and economic growth. He details what economic indicators executives should follow and provides proven strategies for leveraging economic forecasts at the company level.

Date: Thursday, September 25th, 2014,
Time: 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Venue: Hilton Suites, 8500 Warden Avenue at Hwy 7
Fees: $25 which includes continental breakfast (net proceeds go to the Ted Rogers School of Management
Seating is limited, please RSVP online at

Who Should Attend:
• Small to medium business owners, entrepreneurs
• CEO’s, CFO’s

Key Learnings:
• Current economic forecast
• Industry trends
• Business cycle forecasts
• Easy-to-understand, strategic action items

Series Sponsors:
Hogg, Shain & Scheck, Komitas-Mastromartino Wealth Management Group of RBC Dominion Securities, State of Tennessee, BDC, PROFIT Magazine, Ted Rogers School of Management and the Markham Board of Trade.