The King of Design Weekends: The King East Design District Exhibition

October 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Non-Profit Events, Past Events, Toronto

King St East, Toronto, design district, logo

The first annual King East Design District Exhibition was a masterpiece event! Thanks to all our supporters and participants. Hundreds of passports were sold, and over $2500 was raised for Habitat for Humanity Toronto. KEDD set out to inspire decorators and designers, and do-it-your-selfers, and bring communities together by mutually supporting a great cause. With everyone’s help we were able to reach and surpass these goals.

The weekend of creativity was full of laughter, good eats, and great works of interior art.  KEDD visitors had the chance to venture on “Designer Strolls”, take part in design consultations, view the finest Italian furniture and even get a history lesson by seeing Moroso’s “Behind, After or Beyond” travelling exhibit.  KEDDers also had the opportunity to join the Andrew Richards Design Team to learn how to give their backyards a make-over. And if all that didn’t get your design muses singing then learning how to toss a pizza at Mangi & Bevi, eating delicious treats with Mari Loewen from ANNA Magazine and chatting with celebrity designer Ramsin Khachi at Cambria sure did the trick.

KEDD guests showed much enthusiasm and appreciation for the King East Design District. Several visitors had their KEDD passports in hand and design questions in mind. Many were eager to find out how they could transform their small spaces while others simply wanted a change from traditional spaces to modern designs. Nonetheless, all had one thing in common; they needed inspiration.

The exhibition allowed for individuals to take the opportunity to drop by and enjoy the city’s design district. The event called for those who wanted to take time out of their busy lives and really seize an afternoon for a simple glass of wine, a few nibbles and a scenic endeavour.  Journalist, Rob Campbell even wrote an article about the exhibit in Digital Journal titled, King St East now recognized as Design District of Toronto. Along with Campbell there were many other  industry professionals present who felt the exhibition invigorated the design community making the event worthwhile and something to be repeated for years to come.

So whether you live in a lavish downtown condo, or you’re still dwelling in your mother’s basement, we hope the weekend enlightened those who needed refreshing ideas and gave a little nudge to those hesitating with a design dare. Toronto has a lot to offer and the King East Design District is definitely a must-see destination to fill up on your creative juices.

We hope everyone enjoyed their journey through the district and picked up innovative ideas along the way. We’ll be back next year with more design good times!

event sponsor for King St East deisgn district

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Author:  Habiba Ahmad

The April 26th FastLane Event at Kultura

April 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Past Events, Toronto

I always look forward to Fastlane events. The crowd is down to earth and ready to mingle. It’s very inviting and energetic. Last night’s Fastlane at Kultura on King St East had it all. There was great people, interesting vendors, generous sponsors and a good crowd for speed networking.  Two full sessions of one on one networking with ten people each occurred at 6:30 and 8pm. Following the huge success of last year’s “Fastlane, In the Community” we decided to rejoin forces with United Way’s GenNext to enlighten our networking social attendees about the importance of giving back and getting involved.

GenNext and The United Way

GenNext is a group committed to encouraging and increasing volunteer awareness of the United Way and their initiatives. They aim to help people in their 20’s and 30’s get more involved in the community. Just like last year, the event was hosted at the beautifully rustic Kultura. The red brick walls and yellow cast birch bark veneer tree trunks made a wonderful backdrops to meeting new people and hearing about new campaigns and ‘good causes’.

Getting into the FastLane

Getting involved is an easy as simply showing up at the door.  Last night that meant battling the inclement weather, but most people I know believe that springtime is the perfect time to get engaged and give back to the community. Most people want to get more involved, but they simply don’t know what to do or where to go. This event was a great reminder about the importance of our collective participation and involvement in charity and the program even suggested some outreach programs not represented at the venue.  At Fastlane however people are generally happy and ready to contribute. In this environment they get to have a couple of drinks, mingle and chat with other interesting people , and help society. It’s a great package, and the goodie bag filled with deals is always a nice bonus.

Thanks For The Help

I wanted to thank everyone for joining us last night and making the event a success. We all got to meet someone new and learn about exciting initiatives. Another huge thank you goes out to the Gatherings and CityEvents team for making this event a success. Planning a wonderful event is always easy when working with a dedicated and talented team. Last but not least, thanks to all of our sponsors for their continued support of FastLane.  Our door prizes were graciously donated by John Frieda, ColdFX, Blo Blowdry, Wrigleys, Lounge, SGT Splatters, Danceology Studio, Extreme Fitness, Mysteriously Yours, tickets to Mirvish’s Ghost Stories.