How To Market Your Event And Create Buzz With Social Media Walls

February 25, 2017 by  
Filed under Ask Deb, CitySocial, Event tips, Ontario, Toronto, Uncategorized

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If you have been following our series of how to market and create the buzz on social media, here is our new video!

Do you ever find it hard to keep your guests interested, awake and engaged at your events? Social media walls could be used by anyone from wedding planners to corporate event planners to community leaders onsite at their events and meetings. Social media walls provide their attendees with a great way to interact.

A Social Media Wall shows content, not only from Twitter (Twitter Wall), but also from other social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, or YouTube.


Top Tips On Social Media Walls:


  • Hashtags: Create an easy to remember, short relevant Hashtag. Ensure the hashtag  you create is on your Instagram posts and in your tweets. Ask guests to use the same hashtag when discussing the event on social media.This hashtag allows you to search who else is talking about your event. Tag all of your posts with it, and encourage attendees to do the same.
  • Tweet a lot and listen: Share those pre-planned Tweets, ask questions, pictures and videos as much as you can. Don’t forget that communication is a two-way conversation, so don’t just Tweet and Post and leave it there. Listen to the conversation and contribute when you can. RT or Favorite Tweets, Like and Share posts, answer questions and respond to comments. You’ll be surprised how it can encourage more interaction and build a connection with your followers.
  • Display branded content: If you are sharing a lot of official updates during the event, social media walls are a great way to maximize the lifetime and reach of all your branded social media content via TV displays around the venue. Connect your Facebook page, Twitter feed, Instagram etc. and your attendees will never miss an update while walking around the event. Share announcements, prize winners, next speaker in line etc.
  • Onsite Contests: Consider organizing a contest and asking followers to submit their own photos/videos — the winner could win a prize! Social Media Walls will make it more visual and will help you track the hashtag of your event and contest. You can display photos of prizes, tags and hashtags your attendees can use.


Watch our video below for more complete information and tips on how to market your event and create the buzz on social media.

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to like this video, share it and subscribe to CityEvents to gain valuable knowledge about planning your future events.

If you liked this video you may also like our video on How to market your event on Periscope and Google +.