Open Roof Films

August 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Past Events, Uncategorized

We have an AMAZING award winning film on Friday, directed by a female director….  hence my reach out to you….thought it could be fit for a fun easy contest … via twitter, FB, web etc…please use @openrooffilms

Some quotes about ORF:

“ You are one of the coolest things in Toronto. We love you!”,

“Why coop yourself up in a crowded movie theatre or concert venue when you can do both activities under the stars?” Toronto Star

“For a film- lover’s paradise,” Torontoist

“It is perhaps Toronto’s most unique theatre”, National Post

” …a completely unique event…a modern, urban drive in, minus the

makeouts,” Globe & Mail

“…keen to see how Torontonians take to it”, Now Magazine

“One of the great things about summer 2010…,” blogto

Event Details

Friday Aug 27, 7:30

Amsterdam Brewery, 21 Bathurst (north of Lakeshore)

For tickets,, only $15..

We could call it, “Best First Date at the movies under the stars”

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