A Hollywood Halloween

October 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Past Events, Uncategorized

Halloween has finally come and gone! Hope you picked out a fantastic costume, or visited your local Value Village costume shop to pick out your favourite Hollywood celebrity/character costume.  Creativity is always key!

For this year’s Halloween pictures, click here to visit photos.

This Halloween is all about the glamour of Hollywood, past and present. Whether you are recreating the style of Audrey Hepburn, Dick Van Dyke, Tom Cruise or even Penelope Cruz, it’s all about having fun and meeeting new people.

Prizes were given out to the best Female, Male and Group Costumes.

This year the party was being held at the gorgeous Jamie Kennedy location at the Gardiner Museum from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Tickets were only $20 and included a DJ and candy bar.

Be a celebrity for a night!


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